2016 Major: Evolutionary Anthropology and Biology
"The research experiences I had at Duke shaped my career trajectory as a researcher. My very first experiences with research came from the Evanth department, and I did my senior thesis in the Nunn Lab working at the Duke Lemur Center, which was very important in teaching me the skills to carry out my own research project. I had my first fieldwork opportunities abroad in Madagascar and South Africa through programs that have some connection to the department. The connections I made in undergrad resulted in me sticking around the department after graduating as the lab manager for the Duke Canine Cognition Center, which has been pivotal in the direction I went with my Ph.D."
"Get involved in research! There are loads of interesting research projects happening in the department. Most faculty are more than happy to get undergraduates involved-- don't be shy about asking them about opportunities! Whether or not you want to be a researcher after college, it will help you develop important skills and give you experiences you will remember for years to come."