Unpacking Amazon: Consumerism, Labor Rights, Monopoly

April 22, -
Speaker(s): Elizabeth Chin, Emily Guendelsberger, Sally Hubbard
Please register here: http://duke.is/2Yx6QD

The explosive rise of Amazon poses questions about labor rights and surveillance, privacy and logistics, and monopoly practices and the new economy among many others. Join us for a discussion with three experts - an anthropologist, a journalist, and an antitrust expert - about Amazon and its role in our lives and the world.

Elizabeth Chin (Professor, Media Design, ArtCenter College of Design
Author of "My Life With Things: The Consumer Diaries") will discuss scales of movement, logistics, and the exponential growth in production and consumption of consumer goods.

Emily Guendelsberger (Journalist, Author of "On the Clock: What Low-Wage Work Did to Me and How It's Driving America Insane") will talk about the recent union drive in Alabama and what its failure means for tactics going forward.

Sally Hubbard (Director of Enforcement Strategy, Open Markets Initiative
Author of "Monopolies Suck: 7 Ways Big Corporations Rule Your Life and How to Take Back Control") will discuss what she calls "two main myths" about Amazon: 1) Amazon gained its monopoly power by being the best, simply out-competing other companies, and 2) Amazon is a good thing for the average American.

Discussion moderated by Orin Starn, Professor of Cultural Anthropology and History at Duke University.

Franklin Humanities Institute (FHI)


Cultural Anthropology

Unpacking Amazon: Consumerism, Labor Rights, Monopoly


Rogers, Sarah