2010 Major: Evolutionary Anthropology; minor in Biology and Dance
"I had no idea how perfectly my major in Evolutionary Anthropology would prepare me for a career as a laboratory animal veterinarian. I had no idea this specialty of veterinary medicine existed when I was in college. I knew I wanted to work with exotic animals, and I thought Ev Anth would give me a good background in nonhuman primates. During my DVM/Ph.D. program, I found lab animal and realized it is exactly what I was looking for. Now, I work with a variety of nonhuman primate species used in biological research from galagos to squirrel monkeys, baboons and macaques. The foundations of nonhuman primate taxology, biology and behavior I received from Ev Anth serves me daily in both my clinical duties and teaching duties for our veterinary residents.
"Take a variety of classes offered in the program. Take NHP classes even if you are premed. The comparative anatomy is fascinating. Take forensics classes if for nothing else other than it is really cool. Ev Anth gives you such a wide array of tools that can be used across so many disciplines. Some, you may not even realize yet."