EVANTH 393 Research Independent Study
Independent Studies/Tutorial topics must focus on a relevant subject within biological anthropology and/or anatomy. Though students may work on an aspect of their mentor's research, the student is responsible for carving out a portion of the research for which they are responsible for creating a hypothesis, developing methods, data collection, analysis, etc.
NOTE: Shadowing faculty in one of the clinical departments is not appropriate for independent study credit in EVANTH.
Faculty mentors must be Evolutionary Anthropology faculty (see list in the EVANTH Handbook or Undergraduate Bulletin). Students should meet with their prospective mentor the semester before they plan to carry-out the project (e.g., prior to registration). During this meeting potential project topics, meeting schedules and expectations should be discussed. If students wish to get EVANTH credit for working with faculty outside BAA, they will still need to identify a faculty sponsor within EVANTH.
Time Requirement
Students should expect to spend about 12 hours a week working on their research projects.
The University requires that students meet regularly with faculty mentor to discuss progress. We recommend once a week or, at the very least, once every other week.
Research independent studies require a substantive paper or report. This is typically in the form of a formal research paper that outlines the background and rationale for the study, methods, results, and discussion. Alternative substantive products must be approved by the mentor and the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Work with Faculty Outside Evolutionary Anthropology
It is possible to get EVANTH credit for independent study work done outside the department. Naturally, the project will need to focus on research that is heavily based in a topic closely aligned with Evolutionary Anthropology (projects are approved by the EVANTH DUS). You will also need to find an sponsor from among the Evolutionary Anthropology faculty. You will meet with this faculty member two to three times a semester to provide updates and progress reports.
NOTE: If you work with a faculty member in another Arts and Sciences department, they will likely request that you sign up for an independent study course in their department (e.g., BIOLOGY 490T). If you feel the topic is closely aligned with Evolutionary Anthropology, you can petition the DUS for permission to count the course as an EVANTH elective. The petition consists of a brief description of your research and a justification for why it should be eligible for EVANTH credit. This petition can be turned into the EVANTH undergraduate office in 105 Biological Sciences Building.