Welcome to the Ph.D. program in Evolutionary Anthropology at Duke University!
Here is a summary of the expected milestones for each year of your Ph.D. You should also download and save the full, detailed version of these milestones, available at the bottom of each year's section.
Milestones summary:
- Complete IDP and discuss with advisor
- Take courses in Core Areas & Graduate Tutorial
- Work with your supervisory committee and establish Ph.D. Committee by end of year
- Complete Writing Experience 1
- Start completing the Responsible Conduct of Research requirement
- Apply for internal and external fellowships, including summer funding.
Milestones summary:
- Complete IDP and discuss with advisor
- Complete course requirements by end of year
- Meet with your Ph.D. committee
- Work on Writing Experience 2 (proposal)
- Present your research to the department (or proposal defense)
- Apply for internal and external fellowships, including summer funding
Milestones summary:
- Complete IDP and discuss with advisor
- Defend Ph.D. proposal by end of Fall Semester (Writing Experience 2)
- Present your research to the department (or proposal defense)
- Meet with your Ph.D. committee
- Apply for internal and external fellowships, including summer funding.
Milestones summary:
- Complete IDP and discuss with advisor
- Present your research to department
- Meet with your Ph.D. committee
- Apply for internal and external grants, including summer funding
- Begin to consider postdoctoral options.
Milestones summary:
- Complete IDP and discuss with advisor
- Present your research to department
- Meet with your Ph.D. committee
- Apply for postdoctoral opportunities
- If necessary, secure funding for year 6+.