Michael Yochelson, B.S. 1991

Chief Medical Officer, Shepherd Center – Atlanta, GA

1991 Major: Biological Anthropology & Anatomy (now Evolutionary Anthropology) and Zoology

How has being an Evolutionary Anthropology graduate from Duke helped shape you personally and/or professionally?

"Professionally, learning anatomy of primates (lemurs and non-lemurs) gave me a leg up in anatomy in medical school. The behavioral research of lemurs also helped guide my perspective of behavioral research in humans. On a personal level, I am still very involved with the Duke Lemur Center and enjoy continuing to learn about lemurs. It was also invaluable in my understanding and passion for conservation. I strive to instill the importance of protecting the environment in my children and others."

What advice would you give students in Duke's Evolutionary Anthropology programs? 

"Study hard! Learn lots! Enjoy!! There is so much to learn in evolutionary anthropology that can help you on whatever path your life and career take you."
